Joliet Aggravated Speeding Attorney
Skilled Joliet aggravated speeding attorney.
Skilled Joliet Aggravated Speeding Attorney
Speeding is the most common type of traffic violation that occurs. While everyone may receive a speeding ticket at one time or another, aggravated speeding is a more serious matter. Aggravated speeding is a criminal offense, and, if convicted, you will receive harsh penalties. If you have been charged, it is important to talk to a qualified Joliet aggravated speeding attorney as soon as possible. The Joliet aggravated speeding attorneys at Johnson & Johnson, Ltd. are skilled at handling all types of traffic law and criminal matters, including this misdemeanor.
Aggravated Speeding Defined
Aggravated speeding is a specific charge that occurs when the vehicle is going faster than 25 mph above the posted speed limit. Your Joliet aggravated speeding attorney will explain to you that, in Illinois, aggravated speeding is not simply a traffic offense, but is also a criminal charge. Aggravated speeding may be either a class A or class B misdemeanor. Those traveling at speeds more than 25 miles over the limit but less than 35 miles over the limit are charged with a class B misdemeanor. If you have been speeding at more than 35 mph over the limit, the charge is a class A misdemeanor. This offense is more serious than a simple speeding ticket. For this reason it is best to immediately consult with a qualified Joliet aggravated speeding attorney.
Possible Penalties if Convicted
A conviction of aggravated speeding will not only be a guilty charge on your record, but it also comes with some serious penalties. There could be a long-term negative impact on your life as the result of a guilty criminal conviction. You should discuss all of the possible penalties with your Joliet aggravated speeding attorney, but take note that some of the penalties that may apply to this charge include:
- Fines
- Suspension of Driver’s License
- Jail Sentence
- Attendance in Traffic School
- Rate Increase for Insurance
- Misdemeanor Conviction Record
As with any charge, those who have a previous conviction for a similar charge could face the harshest penalties. It is in your best interest to defend these charges in court with the help of a capable Joliet aggravated speeding attorney.
How to Fight Aggravated Speeding Charges
Aggravated speeding charges require an aggressive Joliet aggravated speeding attorney. Illinois law currently states that when a person is found guilty of aggravated speeding, that person is not eligible for court supervision. This means that the judge does not have the legal authority to lower your penalties to a non-conviction if you are found guilty. That makes it imperative that you fight the charges, which is best done with assistance from a Joliet aggravated speeding attorney. In order to prevail in court you and your Joliet aggravated speeding attorney will need to prove that either the speed was not as high as reported or that the methods used to determine and evaluate speed were not utilized properly. A Joliet aggravated speeding attorney with training and experience knows how to provide the best possible defense to get the outcome you want.
Resolve Your Aggravated Speeding Charge
Any time you need to make a court appearance it is a good idea not to go it alone. In the situation of aggravated speeding, the charge is a criminal one and thus comes with high stakes. Only a skilled Joliet aggravated speeding attorney will be able to provide you with the defense necessary to win your case. Remember that every case is different, so your Joliet aggravated speeding attorney will need to review it and evaluate every aspect of the traffic stop and ticket. Some things will need to be considered for your case such as:
- What type of equipment was used to measure your speed?
- Was the equipment used properly?
- Is the equipment functioning properly?
- What was the location of the officer when clocking for speed (for example, was there a hill or other obstruction)?
- What were the traffic conditions at the time?
- Was the speed limit clearly posted?
- Are there any witnesses?
- What were the weather conditions?
- What time of day did the traffic stop occur?
- Was the driver shown the actual speed on the radar equipment?
These and other questions will help your Joliet aggravated speeding attorney properly defend your case. Additionally, your Joliet aggravated speeding attorney may visit the location where the offense allegedly occurred to take pictures and evaluate the scene.
Choose a Reputable Joliet Aggravated Speeding Attorney
Do not leave your court appearance to chance, choose a reputable Joliet aggravated speeding attorney. Keep in mind that a guilty finding could be devastating for you and your family. You will not get a lighter sentence if this is your first offense of this type. If you have had previous violations, you may likely have your driver’s license suspended or even revoked. You could also spend time in jail and pay fines that you may not be able to afford. Finally, if you are found guilty you will have a record that could prove difficult for your future. Do not wait to seek help. It is important that you talk to a reputable Joliet aggravated speeding attorney as soon as possible after the incident happened. Contact the experienced legal team at Johnson & Johnson, Ltd. to schedule a consultation with a Joliet aggravated speeding attorney.
Contact Us
Joliet Law Office
Joliet Law Office
Address: 15 W Jefferson St Ste 100, Joliet, IL 60432
Phone: 815.723.8800
Business Hours: 8:30a–5:00p M-F